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Tax Accountant job description

A Tax Accountant Is a professional who is responsible for helping individuals and organizations file their taxes appropriately, following legal guidelines to ensure the maximum possible tax return. Their duties include collecting forms from clients and identifying potential credits that can be used against expenses such as an investment in education or startup costs associated with growing businesses.

Tax Accountant responsibilities include:

  • Preparing tax payments
  • Estimating and tracking tax returns
  • Completing regular (quarterly and annual) tax reports

tax accountant job description

Job brief

We are looking for a Tax Accountant to prepare tax payments and returns for our company.

To succeed in this role, you should show interest in following changes to tax regulations and laws. Excellent time management skills are also essential, as you’ll have to ensure our company meets tight deadlines. Tax Accountant responsibilities also include organizing and maintaining records of tax payments.

Ultimately, you should be able to recommend tax strategies that comply with laws and promote our company’s financial well-being.


  • Prepare tax payments
  • Estimate and track tax returns
  • Complete quarterly and annual tax reports
  • Organize and update the company’s tax database
  • Recommend tax strategies that align with business goals
  • Prepare necessary paperwork for tax payments and returns
  • Share financial data with the accounting department
  • Identify tax savings and suggest ways to increase profits
  • Follow industry trends and track changes related to taxes
  • Liaise with internal and external auditors
  • Forecast tax predictions to senior managers

Requirements and skills

  • Proven work experience as a Tax Accountant, Tax Analyst or Tax Preparer
  • Knowledge of accounting and bookkeeping procedures
  • Familiarity with accounting software packages
  • Computer literacy (MS Excel in particular)
  • Excellent analytical and time management skills
  • Strong numeracy skills
  • Keen attention to detail
  • BSc degree in Accounting, Finance or relevant subject; industry certification (e.g. CMA or CPA) is preferred

Frequently asked questions

What does a Tax Accountant do?

The role of a Tax Accountant is to make sure that their clients’ taxes are filed appropriately and processed professionally. They process complex paperwork, including government forms which can be overwhelming for some people; however, they also audit company records with the goal of being able to identify any mistakes or missing documents before deadlines hit.

What are the duties and responsibilities of a Tax Accountant?

The responsibilities of a Tax Accountant are diverse and wide-ranging. They prepare returns, payments, or other documents for clients with complex taxes who need help filing their returns on time each year. They find creative solutions where there were none before - like identifying ways that can generate legal savings. They advise management about how new laws may impact the company's bottom line. They also coordinate outsourced preparation work, so everyone has access.

What makes a good Tax Accountant?

In order to be a successful Tax Accountant, one must pay attention and follow each word in the law. The tasks that they face during their career require an organized mind with skills at working through problems methodically.

Who does a Tax Accountant work with?

Tax Accountants work with clients to comply with federal, state, and local tax regulations. They also work with a Tax Preparer to calculate tax credits, deductibles, and liabilities.

Hiring Tax Accountant job description

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