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Sales Operations Job Description

A Sales Operations member is a professional who analyzes data, researches processes and manages various procedures to ensure all sales records are managed and organized properly.


Use this Sales Operations job description to advertise your vacancies and find qualified candidates. Feel free to modify responsibilities and requirements based on your needs.


Sales Operations responsibilities include:

  • Managing sales data for the sales team
  • Reporting sales and campaign results to their managers and other departments as needed
  • Organizing and maintaining sales collateral for access by the sales team

Job brief

We are looking for a Sales Operations to join our team and support our sales team to ensure our organization reaches the sales goals each year.

Sales Operations responsibilities include building pitches and documents for the sales team, conducting research and analyzing data and overseeing various administrative tasks required to ensure our organization reaches our sales goals. 

Ultimately, you will work with a team of Salespeople to support the overall sales process throughout the year.


  • Handle lead generation and book appointments
  • Train staff in products, market and processes for sales excellence
  • Develop “go to market” models for products and campaigns
  • Increase reps’ efficiency with leads, transactions and time management
  • Hire, onboard and mentor employees

Requirements and skills

  • Proven work experience in a Sales Operations or similar role
  • Strong understanding of the sales process to support the sales team
  • Analytical skills to interpret sales data to make suggestions on how to improve the sales process
  • Experience working with different teams and departments to streamline onboarding and reporting
  • Relevant training and/or certifications in Sales Operations preferred

Frequently asked questions

What does Sales Operations do?

Sales Operations is all about supporting and enabling frontline sales teams to sell more efficiently by providing strategic direction with less friction in the process.

What are the duties and responsibilities of Sales Operations?

Sales Operations support the frontline sales team by managing sales data, reporting sales campaigns to their managers and other departments and organizing sales materials for sales representatives as needed.

What makes a good Sales Operations?

A good Sales Operations member must have excellent organizational skills since they are responsible for managing lots of sales data throughout the year. They also need good communication skills since they will work directly with sales representatives and managers.

Who does a Sales Operations work with?

Sales Operations works directly with Sales Representatives to ensure they have everything they need to meet the organization’s sales goals throughout the year.

Hiring Sales Operations Job Description

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