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Talent acquisition manager average salary

The US average for a Talent Acquisition Manager is $75,857 according to Payscale.com while the reported average salary on Glassdoor amounts to $86,932. Ninety percent of talent acquisition managers earn up to $110,000 with 75 percent receiving less than $91,000. The lowest paid ten percent is paid up to $48,000.

How much does a talent acquisition manager earn?

How much does a talent acquisition manager earn?

Career Outlook

When first entering the field, Talent Acquisition Managers can expect an average salary of $59,000, according to Payscale.com. After they gain more than five years of experience, there’s a significant raise to their average salary to about $80,000. After ten years they see another small rise in the talent acquisition salary to $93,000. After that there’s no significant alteration to the average salary throughout their late career.

Talent acquisition managers are usually part of an HR department and report to a Director of Talent/HR or a VP of Talent Acquisition/HR. They belong in the function of recruitment & selection, so often they get to supervise senior recruiters, recruiters and recruiting researchers.

Top Paying US cities

  • Houston: $93,957
  • San Francisco: $89,528
  • New York: $81,760
  • Seattle: $81,001
  • Atlanta: $80,000

Job Description & Interview Questions

The Talent Acquisition Manager job description involves everything about recruiting, and often developing and retaining, talent. Some of their responsibilities revolve around searching on databases, social media or at external agencies and events for the right people to staff the organization. Talent Acquisition Manager interview questions can unearth the important skills of the candidates by focusing on recruiting processes and experiences.

Skills & Qualifications

Talent acquisition skills are closely related to attracting and selecting talent. Full-cycle recruiting, sourcing and employment branding are key skills for a Talent Acquisition Manager. People management and strategic planning are also very important for finding and developing talent outside and within the organization. A Bachelor’s degree and experience in recruiting are essential.

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