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HR Director interview questions and answers

This HR Director interview profile provides you with interview questions you can use to evaluate candidates. Adjust them to your specific positions to make the right choice.

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HR Director Interview Questions

HR Directors are senior executives and have a say in the formation of strategic goals. They establish operations and policies while sitting on the steering wheel of organizational development.

Usually, HR directors have several years of experience as managers, executives or business partners. If your company operates in a unionized environment, looking for relative experience may be a good idea. During an interview, they should be able to discuss how they developed complex HR strategies and programs. They should also demonstrate a thorough understanding of employment laws and corporate ethics.

HR Directors typically have a supervise HR managers or staff, so dedicate some time to discover their leaderships skills. Ask about their experiences and assess their decision-making and critical thinking aptitude. Make a point to ask about how their actions impacted the organizations they were previously employed in.

Operational and Situational questions

  • What’s your experience with HR software?
  • What do you know about EEO laws/FMLA/etc.?
  • What KPI’s do you use to measure the effectiveness of the HR function?
  • If you have to use three words to describe the role of an HR Director in a company, what would those be? Why?
  • How do the company’s HR needs influence strategic planning?
  • What do you do to ensure the HR department’s objectives are aligned with strategic goals?
  • What is company culture to you? How would you maintain it as the company grows?
  • What can HR do to influence the company culture?
  • What steps would you take to ensure diversity in the organization?
  • How do you stay current and ensure compliance with employment laws?
  • What is your role in assisting other departments in improving their people practices and adhering to policies?
  • Let’s assume you encounter a problem but there are no official guidelines for solving it. What is your course of action?
  • If one of the managers under your supervision made a serious mistake, what would you do?
  • Imagine one of the stakeholders is asking you to implement a policy while you think it will not benefit the company in the long run. How do you handle this?

Behavioral questions

  • Describe a time you developed a new policy. What did you do to make it work successfully?
  • Tell me about a time when you implemented an HR initiative, policy or program that didn’t stick. What should you have done differently to avoid that?
  • Tell me about a time you were successful in driving positive change.
  • Describe a time when a manager came to you with a problem they couldn’t solve. What did you do?
  • Tell me about a time you had foreseen a problem with employees/union/vendors. How did you prevent it from escalating?
  • What actions did you take to shape organizational culture in your past role?
  • What do you think was your most important contribution to the workplace in your previous job?
  • Describe me a situation where you had serious challenges and road-blocks in doing your job efficiently. What did you do about them?
  • Tell me about a situation where you had to disagree with your superiors. How did you approach this and what happened?

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