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HR director average salary

The US National Average for a Human Resources Director salary is $82,159, according to Payscale.com, while data from Glassdoor indicate a somewhat lower average at $61,998. Their combined HR Director salary average is $72,079. Around one in ten of HR Directors are paid up to $50,000 annually. The maximum salary slightly exceeds $130,000. Nine out of ten salaries are under $130,000 with 65 percent of HR directors being paid between $50,000 and $100,000.

How much does the director of human resources make?

How much does the director of human resources make?

Career Outlook

Entry-level HR Directors are paid $54,000 on average. After 5 years, they see a rise in their salary by $20,000 while after ten years they are paid $90,000 on average. Senior HR directors, with more than 20 years of experience, can have an average salary of up to $97,000.

HR Directors can be promoted from the position of HR Manager or Senior HR manager. They can advance to the role of Human resources SVP or Chief Human Resources Officer. They report to people in these positions when hierarchy is so defined, but most commonly they report directly to the CEO.

Related: How to attract and hire entry-level employees 

Top Paying US cities

  • San Francisco: $113,168
  • New York: $110,026
  • Boston: $110,145
  • Seattle: $106,819
  • Washington: $103,088

Job Description & Interview Questions

Human Resources Directors create a bridge between human capital and business strategy. The HR Director job description is diverse and involves the development of HR programs. HR Director responsibilities include handling labor relations and strategic counseling. HR director interview questions should be geared towards key skills such as strategic planning, employment relations and leadership.

Skills & Qualifications

A Bachelor’s degree is required to become an HR Director. Many employers prefer a Master’s degree as well. Typically, HR Directors have studied in the fields of business administration, human resources or other business functions. Some of them may also have a legal educational background with specialization in HR. Generally though, entry to the HR field can be accomplished from many different fields of study. HR director qualifications vary from organization to organization, but often consider a mix of business and interpersonal skills.

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