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Customer Care Representative interview questions and answers

Use these sample Customer Care Representative interview questions during your hiring process to identify qualified candidates with strong customer service skills. Similar job titles include Customer, Customer Service, Customer Support, Client Service, Guest Service and Customer Relations Representative.

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Customer Care Representative Interview Questions

Customer Care Representatives or Customer Service Representatives are tasked with keeping clients satisfied. They inform them about products and services, answer their questions and resolve their issues.

Give candidates hypothetical scenarios and perform role-playing exercises that simulate the job to test whether they’re qualified for the position. Even small changes in candidates’ body language can help your screening process. Signs of discomfort or poor patience indicate a person who might find it hard to deal with customers’ complaints under pressure.

Candidates with previous customer service or sales experience will have an advantage. They’re likely to be more comfortable interacting with your company’s customers. Since this is usually an entry-level role, keep an eye out for junior candidates with a flair for communication. If your open role requires technical knowledge, opt for candidates with troubleshooting experience.

Operational and Situational questions

  • What would you do if you were on the phone with a dissatisfied client and didn’t know how to answer their question?
  • How would you reply to an angry customer who wants to speak with your manager?
  • How would you respond to a client who complains that the product is too expensive and asks for a discount?
  • How would you handle multiple calls and emails from customers about a system failure that was due to a technical issue beyond our control?

Role-specific questions

  • How many customers do you usually talk to daily?
  • Are you familiar with our products/services? What do you think are the most common issues we face with clients?
  • How do you communicate customer comments to internal teams (e.g. Marketing and Product)?
  • Are you familiar with CRM software? What tools do you use on the job?
  • Do you use social media and forums to contact customers and answer their queries? If so, what are the basic rules of effective online communication?

Behavioral questions

  • How do you work with targets? What’s your track record of achieving quotas?
  • What do you find interesting about the customer care sector? Why did you choose this career?
  • How do you prefer to contact clients: in-person, via email or on the phone? Why?
  • Describe a time you turned a negative situation with a customer into a positive one.
  • Do you prefer individual or team goals? Why?

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